3 Key Tips To Keep Your Skin Happy And Healthy In Winters:

Komal Arif
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Healthy skin is beautiful skin. But, keeping your skin from drying out in winters can be a tricky task. Cold winter air zaps the skin of its natural moisture leaving it dry and flaky. Low humidity levels outside causes moisture to evaporate at a faster rate from your skin. But do not lose heart chum! As in this article, I’ll equip you with five essential tips to keep your skin happy and healthy in winters.

Here’s how you can keep your skin moist and supple in winters:

1. Amp up your Moisturizing game:

It’s usual to have dry and irritated skin in winters. Moisture- deprived air zaps the skin of its natural oils and leaves it rough and cracked. Stats have shown that about 81 million people suffer from parched skin in winters. To avoid this, moisturize often in this cold weather. Invest in some good hyaluronic acid-rich moisturizer suitable for your skin type and slather it on your face right after bathing or washing your face to ensure maximum absorption. Also, drink plenty of water as water is a natural moisturizer that keeps your skin healthy and hydrated.


It feels absolutely blissful being immersed in the warmth of a simmering hot shower on a cold winter night. Umm… I hate to burst your bubble but such habits are an absolute killer for your skin! Hot water scrapes away the natural oils from your upper epidermal layer leaving it tight and scratchy. Hence, if you love your skin, fight the temptation to get under a bubbling hot shower and replace it with lukewarm water which is gentler on your skin.


Yes, you read that right! Wearing sunscreen in winters is as important as in any other season. It may sound unreasonable to smear that SPF on your skin even when the sun seems to be nowhere in the sky. Yet, you need to use it because you may not get direct UV rays but they still get reflected on earth through snow and ice almost 90% of the time according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. These rays are just as harmful and can cause skin cancer and premature again. So, Darling, do your skin a favor and dab that SPF on your body.

