Komal Arif
3 min readOct 30, 2020



Almost everyone on this planet would say they hate corona. If you are one of them, this article might shift your paradigm for good. I strongly believe that no calamity befalls upon us without teaching some good lesson. Same should go for Coronavirus, right? You must be wondering how. To find out, read below the three lessons that I think coronavirus has taught us for good.

Lesson#1: Never Take Your Loved Ones For Granted:

Admit it! At one point or another, we all have been guilty of ignoring our loved ones. To illustrate, let’s go to the pre-corona world for a moment:

You are whining about being invited at a family gathering since you find such meet-ups plain-boring. Still, you went there half- heartedly. Everyone is chatting and having fun but you preferred surfing on Internet just to kill time.

Now return to the post-corona world: You are stuck in your home, quarantined with covid-19 cases climbing relentlessly every other day making you go from despair to indignation to frustration and back to despair again. You are missing your friends, cousins and buddies. Those little pecks on cheeks, warm hugs, casual handshakes and high-fives have all become a no-no now and you know things are not getting normal anytime soon.

Needless to say, Coronavirus has made us realize to always cherish the moments we spend with our near and dear ones before it’s too late.

Lesson #2: Protect Your Environment:

Coronavirus has not only knocked some sense into us with regards to our loved ones, it has also made us feel for our environment; how badly Earth needed a break from no one but us human beings.

Up to 2020, our planet patiently bore every torment inflicted upon it by human kind: a whopping 46 percent deforestation, alarming levels of greenhouse gases or merciless dumping of 6 billion in oceans per annum.

In early 2020, Covid-19 brought the whole world to a halt. However, as much as it has been a menace to humans, it has proved to be a blessing in disguise for our environment.

As mobility reduced drastically, air quality improved tremendously. A recent report by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA) shows that levels of Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide dropped by 30% and 25% respectively in certain parts of the world during Covid-19 lockdown.

The Finnish Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air has found out that PM 2.5 levels have decreased by 10% in Europe’s air.

Moreover, waters have become cleaner too. For instance, Venetians observed that as motorboats traffic and pollution waned, the then murky canal water became clearer enough for the dolphins and fish to be seen through it.

Thus, Covid-19 taught us, once again, how our environment needs to be conserved and how it deserves our care too. If only we maintained this “accidental” positive change, we would be able to make our planet healthier again.

Lesson#3: Take Action Today:

One of the biggest lessons Covid-19 taught us is proactivity. Many a times in our lives, we are afraid to take action; we like to remain passive spending most of the time in our comfort zone and thus end up missing out on so many wonderful opportunities out of our slackness.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed and Covid-19 has brought this bitter truth of life into sharp relief. We are ensured nothing and time is slipping through our fingers like sand every single second. So, what are you waiting for, homie? Start working on your dreams NOW like your life depends on it. Remember the words of Zoey Sayword “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect”

Hence, it is high-time that we must start acting upon the lessons Coronavirus has taught us from valuing our loved ones, to protecting our environment and to cashing in on the opportunities that life knocks on our door.

